Monday, 24 September 2018

What Makes CodeIgniter The Best Ever Framework For Web Development

In the era of world-wide web, where many new platforms are coming out in the market for promoting web development, PHP stands out to be the one and only choice of the web developers. However, there are many open source frameworks when it is about PHP. Out of the numerous frameworks that can be used for building websites or web applications, CodeIgniter has received more attention and appreciation from the developers.

But what makes CodeIgniter the most favoured framework for the web developers? Take a look. (Click to Tweet)

Faster execution of web projects

The most crucial aspect that makes CodeIgniter the most preferred platform for developers is its surprisingly fast time of execution. Using this framework, PHP responds way more quickly than ever. This is the greatest reason why programmers or web developers seek for CodeIgniter over other PHP frameworks as none of them can match their execution speed.

Easy Configuration

The second probable reason behind the popularity of CodeIgniter is its simple configuration. The only thing developers need is installing the framework as per the configuration of their system. If they want to do programming on it, they can start with “config.php” and subsequently load the database and all other arrays and save them. Not every time they are needed to write the name of the database but can save it once and use it everywhere later on.

File Management

CodeIgniter framework after installed shows up a primary folder which comprises of various application files. The folder has different sub-folders named as config, model, view and so on. Thus, such organised folders help developers while executing any web development project as they just need to choose the folder they need and everything gets sorted.

Enhanced Security

The most significant concern for every developer is security, which makes CodeIgniter a favorable framework for many. It has many inbuilt features which can be used in web development projects for filtering of output and input. It is also equipped with numerous decryption and encryption features that allows the developers to transmit vital data in an absolutely secret installation.

Lesser need for coding

Hailed as the speedier PHP framework for web development, CodeIgniter requires very less effort for writing codes which saves a lot of their time wasted on typing codes. Also, surprisingly,  there’s no need for third-party library every time for every new project as many default libraries come during the installation.

CodeIgniter is incredible in numerous ways and the features that it brings make the job of developers much easier than ever. It is the foundation of many quality web application and websites for which it is preferred by a large number of businesses to assure success in an online platform. So, if you own a business but don't have any website or application yet, but wish to have one, reach us at PHPProgrammers, an eminent web development company in Australia.  We house a team of highly experienced CodeIgniter developer who can help you to have a dream website for your business.

Related Topic : "Amazing Tricks to Master for Running a CodeIgniter-built Website"

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