Monday, 1 October 2018

Is CakePHP Among The Best PHP Frameworks Of 2018? Find It Out

Who says CakePHP is fading out or might fade away?

Yes, it is true that are several other PHP frameworks stealing the show. Laravel, Symfony and CodeIgniter are few of them. But, that does not necessarily mean CakePHP’s share in the pie is consumed away.

While PHP is still a much favoured server-side scripting language for creating stellar web solutions, CakePHP attributes a lot to it.

Incepted 13 years back in 2015, CakePHP development still exists to be a preferred option, a tool of choice for both experienced as well as budding web developers. The reason? Its comparatively easy architectural set-up, simple configuration and in-built high-security features.

Asserting the slogan “Build fast, grow solid”, CakePHP web development won away millions of hearts globally owing to its rich features set and agile development methodology. So, do not think twice before you want to hire a CakePHP developer for your upcoming web venture because it is still trending in 2018 as one of the best PHP frameworks. Find out why or how.

What makes up a framework ideal for PHP web development?

  1. Inherent efficiency
  2. Codes that will work on or compatible with all key types of operating systems
  3. Passwords security
  4. Compiled with wide-ranging features
  5. Easy coding which saves time
  6. Easy learning phase for the developers
Now, that you’ve known what ensues goodness in a PHP framework in present days, let us look whether CakePHP meets them.  

A long celebrated success story

Trending in the market for over 10 years, CakePHP successfully powered nearly 1,94,184 websites out of which nearly 1,00,000 sites are live now. Some of the renowned projects handled by it are of Sainsbury’s Bank, Axia Technologies, Debtor Daddy, Internet Marketing Ninjas.

An overwhelming number of companies are using CakePHP with a majority of them belonging to the United States. However, one noticeable trend is that most companies embracing CakePHP websites development are small-sized firms or business.
Well, that proves the cost-affordability of CakePHP that makes it a framework for startups and small businesses.

CakePHP usage history in the past 8 years shows a rising curve.

Image Source : Builtwith

CakePHP 3.6 comes with many improvements

Called to be Recipe to succeed, CakePHP 3.6 Red Velvet version is faster and stronger than the earlier version. So, now you can prototype faster,  validate your code faster and grow your application or website consistently.

Six feature aspects that make it a framework for developers as well as businesses:
  1. Build a prototype faster
  2. Zero configuration with no need for XML or YAML files
  3. Licensed under MIT, fully fit for commercial web apps
  4. Crucial features come in-built: Built-in translation, caching, database access, etc.
  5. Set of Cleaner MVC conventions
  6. In-built security features, such as CSRF protection, XSS prevention

New features rolled-out in CakePHP 3.6

CakePHP 3.6 comes around with lots of revolutionary changes:
  1. New middleware
  2. Improved console environment
  3. Improved Plugins
  4. Support for Binary UUIDs
  5. Entity Routing
  6. Compact Routes
  7. Cached Routes

Friendly & Supportive Community

There is not one but multiple reasons for using CakePHP other than it’s being a free, open source, and agile development framework. The vast, active and highly supportive community centre is one. It means with any problem in the code, the developer gets to talk to the CakePHP web developer or experts, report issues, get help in fixing bugs and add new features to their application.

PHP compatibility still prevails

A typical reason for most website builders preferring CakePHP over others is its universal compatibility with PHP versions, PH4 and PHP5.
Clearly, the websites or apps that need updating its PHP version need not worry about what to do with the CakePHP framework that it is built with.

Ideal framework for startup applications

Website presence is must in 2018, the era for digital marketing. Startups or newbies in the digital space are now seeking to hire CakePHP developers because it is a friendly framework, easy to manage for the beginners in the web world.  It aids in creating web apps with light APIs, and include a series of advantages like code generations, and predefined functions that make development faster.

There are lots more to explain the position of CakePHP in the market of 2018.

Things that add to its advantages over other PHP solutions are a rapidly growing support system, robust scalability, easy inbuilt security, the simplicity of coding and no complex configuration.

Video Source : CakePHP

If all these makes you think to hire CakePHP development services, then get in touch with PHPProgrammers, a one-stop solution for PHP development and house a team of dedicated CakePHP developers who are helping the dream web applications of small and medium businesses come true. With the best possible use of the framework, our developers are taking many companies’ position higher by giving them a scalable application that caters to their business standards.
Want to know how? Have a look at our latest blog : “Small Business Owner? Get CakePHP! Read to Know Why”

"Top Trending Out-of-the-box CMS based on CakePHP"

Source :

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