Wednesday, 20 July 2016

The eCommerce Platform Magento Impressively Catering to Enterprise Requirements

In spite of having apparent similarities, businesses have their structural as well as operational differences. Thus, it is obvious that off-the-shelf software applications can hardly cater to unique requirements of businesses. On the other hand, while launching an online store any businessman has to emphasize on the aspect of customization to implement greater flexibility to the website. Only a flexible web portal helps to maximize sales and optimize the brand’s corporate operations.   

Customization redefined
The best eCommerce platforms allow users to thoroughly customize everything, ranging from a website’s appearance to the store front’s interface and background processes. Thus, you or me, as a user, can easily create a website that looks and works exactly the way we want it to. This overall aspect makes life easier for businessmen along with simplifying the approach to manage eCommerce business.

In this context, it is relevant mentioning that Magento eCommerce platform is most popular among the business community these days to develop virtual stores across the internet. The platform offers unbelievable flexibility in terms of web development. Thus, it is very easy to get tailor-made web solutions using Magento that exactly meet the unique requirements of businesses. Moreover, the open-source platform cuts down the cost of web development to a huge extent. In addition to the factors mentioned above, it suits all types of businesses.

Scalability and growth

Thanks to the robust online community scattered all over the planet, it is even easier to get thousands of efficient plugins for the popular eCommerce platform these days. These plugins contribute with greater flexibility to Magneto-powered web portals. It is also fully scalable to grow and can change and adjust itself as your business keeps growing with the passage of time.
The crucial features of Magento include the following:
  • The script is integrated with Google Analytics, which proves helpful on the aspect of online marketing.
  • Browsing for products or services on websites powered by Magento is much easier as it allows multiple images for products, and options for extensive reviews, etc.
  • Features like easy navigation, advanced product filtering system, product comparison make the aspect of catalogue browsing even easier.
  • Even catalogue management is easier with Magento given its rich set of user-friendly features like inventory management, batch import and export of products, different tax rates per location, and additional product attributes, etc.
  • Magento is a 100% search engine-friendly  eCommerce platform that provides the support of Google SiteMap.
  • You can also easily control multiple websites, multiple languages, tax rate with support for the US and international markets with Magento.

Considering all these factors, it is obvious that the  number of Magento eCommerce websites is rising at an exponential rate these days.

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  1. Magento website development is very safe platform for ecommerce. You have discovered great features in Magento and explained it very well. Thanks
    From Vikas

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