Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Surefire Tips to Improve The Ranking of Your ZenCart-Built Website

Your ZenCart-built store is running good and you are making good sales as well. However, have you ever thought of squeezing every inch of profit from your business? Well, to attain it, attention must be paid on improving online visibility of the website in SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages).  

Following here are some of the most crucial factors to be considered for facilitating SEO practices of your online store. (Click to Tweet)

Title: It’s to be displayed at the top of browser window being considered by Google as description of page content. Core focus should be given to make use of the best relevant keywords.

The phrases being marked by h1-h6 tags boast more value compared to plain text as per the Googleblot such, that you will be able to make use of secondary keywords for describing the content of pages along with H-tags.

Meta tags:

Meta description: It’s not the ideal choice to neglect this field. Use keyword-rich descriptions, however, it should be natural thereby, keeping it brief (under 150 symbols).

Meta keywords: You would be able to add keywords which, are used in text of certain pages along with some of the important keywords to be ranked.

Internal links:
For facilitating the site indexation, make sure that all the pages have at least a single link which, will lead to it from other web pages.

Unique content:
You shouldn’t get obsessed on using as many keywords as possible. Make sure that the content is relevant, interesting and readable. Ideally, keyword percentage per page should be restricted to 4%.

User-friendly URLs:
The ZenCart page SEO URL must describe the content well instead of acting as a mere set of symbols. Enabling the mod-rewrite module will help you to make the URLs readable. It would be easy for users to remember and will be beneficial for SEO.

It’s recommended for SEO to create XML sitemap for facilitating the crawling process of your website by Google. Similarly, creating a sitemap will help users to their way properly around the website.

A website gets higher rank in Google with more number of pages. Thus, try to make a separate page for each product or service and try to make use of most of the relevant keywords instead of creating long pages comprising of many items.

The first and foremost way of boosting online sales of your ZenCart-built eCommerce store is to augment its online visibility and increase its popularity. At PHPProgrammers, we always work dedicatedly to develop SEO-friendly websites and ensure you with the scope of optimizing your sales figures. Thus, if you are in search of an adroit ZenCart developer, then we can guide you with the most satisfactory service.

Related Topic : "Ensure Extensive Functionality of Online Stores with ZenCart"

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