Friday, 9 December 2016

Striking features that make Symfony the ultimate PHP framework

When it is about web development for a business and you need to get it right, PHP frameworks are the tools. A PHP framework helps to get better structuring and faster working of your web application or site. So, if you have an efficient framework, you will be able to create a robust and high-performance website or application for your business.

A number of PHP frameworks like Laravel, Symfony, Zend, Yii, CakePHP, are trending in the market today, but the decision is yours. While market studies show that Symfony is currently the leading PHP framework with about 1000 above code contributors, here is a small note to show why going for Symfony will not be a wrong choice. (Click to Tweet)

Symfony created by SensioLabs in 2005 is definitely unique. It promotes the use of ORM (Organisational relational management), which is highly beneficial for huge database work.

Symfony is highly recognized internationally being one of the oldest frameworks to come in the market. It has already reached 300,000 above developers. This certainly assures you that choosing Symfony will deliver the best for your web application.

It is highly adaptable to most types of business platforms, infrastructure, and libraries.This makes use of Symfony a wise decision as it delivers application or website easy to sustain in the long run. Many businesses already using Symfony experienced that quality of application has enhanced and it is highly flexible. They can modify the app with changes in their business needs because of the reusable and testable codes.

Symfony allows a rigid object-oriented language and an MVC pattern to create more testable code. This is readily usable again in future and thereby saves your and your developer’s time.

An extensive cache system of Symfony is another plus point. It is highly easy to configure and hence you need not worry whether you are PHP expert or not.

It lets the users to add customized helper functions whenever needed and even alter the configuration handlers.

Symphony offers you some boundless advantages. With it, the time for development of scalable application and websites are greatly reduced and maintenance becomes easier. Altogether, it makes website or application development for you hassle free and apparently cuts a lot of your support costs.

Video Source : Symfony

On the whole, Symfony is the most preferred framework for many developers. They can help you to create, develop and maintain high-end complex web applications without spending much. With great flexibility, convenient accessibility, expert professional support and perfect inbuilt web practices, Symfony is the right choice of framework for you. PHPProgrammers having expertise in web development has pooled the best Symfony developer to help you build a robust application for your business.

Related Topic : "Symfony: The PHP Framework to Develop Robust Web Applications"

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