Friday, 14 December 2018

How Helpful is CakePHP To Build Large-Scale Web App

Released in 2005, CakePHP has positioned itself to be one of the renowned open source platforms available for the PHP website. Being written in PHP and based on MVC(Model View Controller) approach, this framework is capable of creating exceptional web solutions. Furthermore, the platform makes use of advanced software designing patterns and concepts of engineering like Front Controller, Model View Controller, Active Records, Convention over configuration, and Association Data Mapping. Since its inception, any CakePHP programmer finds it to be effective and efficient to work on large or small-scale web tasks.

Global web developers have selected it as an ideal PHP framework for developing unique web apps that run on diverse internet-enabled devices. For performance improvement of a presently-going app, or for developing new web brand, CakePHP expert assistance can better serve the needs.

Now, let’s have a look over the superlative features of CakePHP that  have made it such a huge web app development platform:

#1 MVC Pattern

It is a crucial model followed by CakePHP framework. It helps to save data and connect queries into the database. The support model for data handling can help you in inserting, deleting, updating, reading updating, deleting, inserting, and reading the model class. View supports the data representation by allowing the users to view their current work status on the screen. Controller progresses and acts in response to the events, and before communicating with the model, it can also make changes to the data(if any). In large web applications and websites, it is important to separate the logic from the presentation, which becomes easier and simpler with this MVC model.

#2 No Language-Barrier

CakePHP offers the web development experts the advantage of working on any language they are comfortable with. There is no such language barrier and so, the developers are not compelled to work on the default language for CakePHP.

#3 ORM – Object Relational Mapping

It is a programming technique utilised by CakePHP. Basically, it is used to convert the incompatible data between the databases and object-oriented programming languages. More clearly saying, it means defining relations, verifying definitions, and predefining certain callbacks for each table.

#4 Decrease the Unnecessary Efforts of Coding

Different from the other PHP frameworks, CakePHP guides its developers in building large web applications within a short time interval. So, unnecessary wastage of time in coding is minimised in the app development process on CakePHP.

#5 CRUD Scaffolding

CRUD stands for create, read, write, update, and delete. Well, these are few mainstream activities required by almost every web apps. This unique supportive technique assists the CakePHP specialists to view the groundwork with an even single line of code.

#6 Zero Configurations

The thing that makes CakePHP apart from the other PHP frameworks is that it does not require any kind of configuration. This is because its most-features and factors are detected automatically. Here the developer is not required to specify any location of the library or the URL of any website. The main focus of the developers lies on the database connection settings.

#7 The Most Preferred Platform

While for a new web application development, the first thing you need to choose is a proper and updated platform that is already owned by wider mass. So, CakePHP is the trending one and is the favorite framework of an enormous count of skilled PHP developers, who are deft in their field.

#8 Secure and Authorized

CakePHP is licensed under MIT license, which makes it commercially authorized and excellent. Along with that, it keeps the web apps secure with the help of numerous built-in tools for  with the help of a number of built-in tools for SQL injection prevention, CSRF protection, XSS prevention, and input validation.

Video Source : CakePHP


Why wait? Simply bet over the excellence and make your web app comes second to none through the hands experienced companies in Australia. PHPProgrammers being one such app development firm, houses consultants, who can help you instant quote on the basis of your budget. So, hurry!

Want to know how? Have a look at our latest blog : Get "CakePHP"! Read to Know Why”

"Five Driving Features to Opt CakePHP Development"

Source :

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