In the web development industry, Laravel is quite a popular PHP framework. According to a recently made market research by BuiltWith, almost 139,742 live websites are currently using this platform.
Along with a plenty of features like fast and simple routing, effective dependency injections, multiple ways to access the relational databases, it provides a bunch of other facilities as well.
Well, here, you will get a list of the best 10 Laravel packages trending this year. These open-source PHP library packages will not only help you in extending Laravel but also in improving the overall workflow.
Along with a plenty of features like fast and simple routing, effective dependency injections, multiple ways to access the relational databases, it provides a bunch of other facilities as well.
Well, here, you will get a list of the best 10 Laravel packages trending this year. These open-source PHP library packages will not only help you in extending Laravel but also in improving the overall workflow.
#1 User Verification
With this package, you can validate emails and verify the users. For the registered user, it generates as well as stores a verification token, queues or sends an email with the link of the verification token, manages the verification of the token, and set the user as verified one. Moreover, it provides with an optional isVerified route middleware.#2 Laravel Debugbar
For debugging purposes, you can easily add a developer toolbar to the Laravel application with this package. It is updated for the Laravel 5 version. It offers plenty of options using which you can get information on the current Route, see all the queries, see the currently loaded Views of the application.#3 NoCaptcha
To implement the validation of Google’s reCAPTCHA “I’m not a robot” and to protect the forms from unwanted spams, this Laravel 5 package can be used. Well, first, you will need to get a free API key.#4 Socialite
This package offers an easy and simple way to manage the OAuth authentication. Using this will make it possible for the users to do the login through popular social networks and services like Twitter, Facebook, Google, BitBucket, and GitHub.#5 Breadcrumbs
Using this package, creating breadcrumb page controls is possible in the easiest and most simple way. This package supports some popular front-end frameworks like Bulma, Bootstrap, Materialize, and Foundation.#6 Laravel Backup
Simply run the command mentioned below and back up all the files of your project using this Laravel package.This will create a zip file with any kind of files in the directory including a dump of the database. You can store it on any file system.
#7 Migrations Generator
With the help of this package, you can generate migrations from the existing database including all the foreign keys and the indexes. Simply run the command and you will be able to create migrations for all the tables existing in the database.Well, if you want to choose particular tables depending on your requirements, run the following command.
php artisan migrate:generate table1,table2
#8 Eloquent-Sluggable
Slugging is the process of creating a URL-friendly and simplified version of the string by removing the spaces, ampersands, accented letters etc. and by converting the string into one case. Using this package, you can effortlessly create slugs for the Eloquent models in the project.#9 Tinker
With the help of this package, from the command line, you can interact with the entire Laravel application along with accessing all the Eloquent jobs, objects, and events. Initially, it was a part of Laravel only. Once the Laravel version 5.4 released, it has been made into an optional add-on, which you need to install separately.#10 Laravel Mix
This package provides a rich API to define the Webpack build steps for the project. Laravel Mix uses a few common JavaScript and CSS pre-processors, which can be chained together in order to transform as well as to format the assets.Other than all the aforementioned Laravel packages, the list will be incomplete without mentioning the following packages.
Looking for Laravel development services? Get in touch with PHPProgrammers, a Sydney-based web development company in Australia and hire Laravel programmer based on your project requirements.
As you build your site by PHP Framework "Laravel" , don’t forget to check out the security tips we’ve detailed out in our earlier blog,
"Compelling Features That Made Laravel The First-choice Framework for Web Applications"
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